Seisal School is Open

After a dusty, but stunning 4 hour drive from Dili, we arrived at Seisal school last Friday morning.

The two new school buildings are spectacular.  Our pro-bono architect Richard Briggs has added features like high ceilings, huge windows and large verandah for little cost, but massive impact.  Elvino (the builder) has delivered a building that is of fabulous quality and built to last.  And then there is the beautiful basketball and volleyball court which everyone adores and was the centre of the opening ceremony.  It will act as the heart of village occasions from now on.  The community put on an amazing celebration, dances, songs and speeches followed by a painstakingly prepared meal featuring buffalo.  It would be the best meal the villagers eat all year.  Spend it Well always provides $500 for the ceremonies, but at Seisal another $600 was contributed by the community, the teachers and the parents.

Everyone seemed to understand my speech in basic Tetum (or at least pretended very kindly that they did).

There was no doubt that the 12, 14 and 16 year old girls who came with us were the stars of the show as far as the local kids were concerned.  And we think they may have introduced a new sport to Timor-Leste.  More to follow on that!



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